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Questions about your order, our business, coffee?

If we missed the topic elsewhere on our site, we’ve tried to capture the answers here. If you cannot find the answer to a question you have, please let us know by emailing us at

Our Business

Our primary roasting operation is currently on the eastern shore of Massachusetts. We actively sought a roasting location on ACK (Nantucket) in 2020, but the pandemic made acquiring the site in time to launch our brand impossible. We will be roasting on Nantucket in the summer of 2021.


All our coffee pouches are TÜV AUSTRIA certified compostable, a global composability certification. More on TÜV AUSTRIA is available here.

My Order

You can find your order history in the “My Account” link at the top right hand portion of the web site

You can change your subscription frequency and type of coffee by logging into your account at the “My Account” link at the upper right hand portion of the web site, and then clicking on “My Subscription”

We will happily replace any coffee shipment you receive that is damaged. Please email us at explaining the damage and accompany it with a picture of the issue to enable us to address the damage with our package carrier.

We roast our coffee fresh every day, and shipments typically leave within two-three days of your order to allow us to roast and prepare your order for delivery. You will also receive an email notification when your order had shipped to help you prepare for your ACK Roasters coffee experience.


Please email us at and we will respond in 24 hours or less to your inquiry

Coffee Brewing

The way coffee is brewed is a pretty personal thing, but there are “standards” that are recommended by professional organizations like the Specialty Coffee Association (of which we are a member). Their very detailed recommendations are available here. Generally speaking, the way you brew your coffee is in large part driven by the coffee maker you’re using, the associated grind of your coffee, and how much coffee you use per cup. Using that as a guide, the following are good guidelines to follow:

The standard ratio for brewing coffee is 1-2 tablespoons of ground coffee per 6 ounces of water; that means 1 tablespoon for lighter coffee and 2 tablespoons for stronger coffee. 6 ounces are meant to equal one “cup” in a standard coffeemaker, but realize that many standard mug sizes are closer to 12 ounces or larger. From a coffee grind perspective, a typical drip coffee maker uses a medium grind, where a French Press coffee maker uses a coarse grind and a Pour Over coffee maker uses a medium-coarse grind. The level of grind recommended is influenced by a number of factors, one of which is the residual grounds left over from the brew process, as well as the strength of the coffee and how much contact the ground coffees has with the water used.

We have found a medium/coarse ground to work best in our reusable K-Cups®. The grind level provides a good surface area for the brief time the coffee is in contact with the hot water while also leaving a minimum amount of grinds in your cup after the brew process.

You may also find the ACK Roasters Grind Chart provided below useful as well.

Our pre-ground coffee is ground on a “medium” setting. While this is not always the “perfect” setting for every coffee brewing method, we do find it produces a good cup of coffee in many situations, especially within drip coffee makers that represent the majority of the brewed coffee. If you have a special grind request for your shipment, send us a note in the message section of your order submission and we will do our best to accommodate your request.